MacinCloud Managed Servers have many frameworks pre-installed that will help you get started with Mobile Development right away. Node.js LTS is pre-installed on MacinCloud Managed Servers. Try a Mac Server with Node.js LTS pre-installed by obtaining a Managed Server Plan to quickly get started.
Node.js is already installed on your server
Node.js is already installed on your server. You can check the version by entering the following command in your terminal:
node -v
Use NVM to change the version of Node and NPM
If you wish to use a different version of Node.js, we recommend using nvm to manage Node and npm's versions. We have a detailed solution article on How to Manage your Node Version with NVM on a MacinCloud Managed Server
If you have any additional questions please contact our support staff. If you have any specific questions about Node.js, we recommend contacting their support.
How to Manage your Node Version with NVM on a MacinCloud Managed Server
Interested in MacinCloud Managed Servers?
Visit the Managed Server Plan page to obtain a Managed server.
Do you require full root/admin privileges on a MacinCloud Server?
Visit the Dedicated Server Plan page to obtain a Dedicated Server.